Andrés Jaque

Andrés Jaque (Madrid, 1971) is an architect. His work explores the role architecture plays in the making of societies. He has been considered one of the most challenging contemporary European architects.[1]


Life and career

Andrés Jaque has been Tessenow Stipendiat and has taught and lectured in a number of universities around the world.

His work has been exposed at the Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum in Basel,[2] the Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM)[3] and the Biennale di Venezia.[4]

In 2004, he completed the construction of Casa Sacerdotal Diocesana de Plasencia. An interactive building designed to promote the public emergence of controversies among their users, mainly elder Catholic priests. What Jaque called a Parliamentary Architecture.[5] Considered one of the earliest examples of a low tech European architecture, the building has been widely published and object of a number of exhibitions all around the world.[6]

In 2005, he developed the 12 Actions to Make Peter Eisenman Transparent.[7] A project to make visible, and easy to understand for general public, the political implications of the construction of the singular building site Cidade da Cultura in Santiago de Compostela. A series of actions described by Bruno Latour as a «beautiful mixture of art, politics and building-site».[8]

Tupper Home, a system of tiny and colourful plastic dwellings, has been the smallest architectural project ever selected for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award.[9]

He is also the author of other works like Teddy House (Vigo, 2003), 2005), Mousse City, (Stavanger, 2003), Peace Foam City (Ceuta, 2005), Skin Gardens (Barcelona, 2006), the Museo Postal de Bogotá (Bogotá, 2007), Rolling House for the Rolling Society (Barcelona, 2009) and the House in Never Never Land (Ibiza, 2009).

Office for Political Innovation

In 2003 together with a number of sociologist, economist and journalist he created the Office for Political Innovation, an urban lab focused on the development of a democratically centered architecture, considering objects as material actors of equalitarian societies.


  1. ^ Democracy in Space. A10. Mayo 2008.
  2. ^ "As Found", Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum (Basel) 2007
  3. ^ "Construir, habitar, pensar". Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno. Valencia 2008.
  4. ^ 7ª Mostra Internazionale di Architettura. La Biennale di Venezia
  5. ^ Arquitectura Parlamento (Arquitectura COAM, Madrid 2007)
  6. ^ Casa Sacerdotal Diocesana de Plasencia [Cáceres] (pp.84-91 DOMUS Milán julio-agosto 2005)
  7. ^ "12 acciones para transparentar la Cidade da Cultura de Galicia de Peter Eisenman”. Pp.26-29 Pasajes de arquitectura y crítica. n.66 Madrid. Marzo
  8. ^ 12 acciones para trasparentar la ciudad de la cultura de Peter Eisenman” Pp.124-137 UR Arquitectura. Buenos Aires, 2007
  9. ^ European union Prize for Contemporary Architecture, Mies van der Rohe Award. Actar.Barcelona. 2009

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